Can pivotal moments change lives? In an instant can you turn from despair to hope?

For me the answer is YES definitely! Like so many people 2016 was a very tough year! Hanging on by the fingertips emotionally, I felt challenged on so many levels. To the point where I had no energy to continue writing my second book. Each day seemed a challenge. While I believed I had healed pretty well from a traumatic past, I discovered I had to dig even deeper to make peace with past memories that had been triggered by certain events early in 2016. The natural world enabled me to touch the inner silence and acknowledge that any resistance on my part to unresolved pain would only hold me back.


When the opportunity presented itself to share in the journey of 365 Life Shifts  I said YES!  While still feeling emotionally depleted I realised I had been offered a lifeboat in turbulent seas. Passionate about sharing the beauty and wonder of this world I knew my story offered hope to others. Hope to me is the sunshine of the soul. Supported lovingly by Facebook friends, writers Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck, I was excited and blessed to share my story of a pivotal moment that changed my thought-form enabling me to heal and thrive.


A little of my story : Finding myself a widow at 47 years old, I felt empty and broken. Mirrors taunted me with that emptiness until I found the courage to take responsibility for my own pain. In that painful and precious moment of truly facing myself, hope swelled in my heart, hope of living fully and reconnecting with my true nature. Yes it did take time to heal, however once I made the decision to take responsibility for my own pain many teachers and guides crossed my path. My totem Crow, whom I write about in my book Triumph of Joy, reminded me to see the past as a teacher; the present as the place of creativity; and the future as a place of inspiration.

Rather than feeling overwhelmed and disappointed that I had achieved very little in 2016, I had February 21 st  2017 to look forward too! Today I share this sacred place with other wonderful contributors as we cross continents and share stories heart to heart to bring hope and inspiration to a world in need of hope and tenderness.

To buy this beautiful and inspiring book


Do you believe in EARTH ANGELS ? Earth Angels are often people who cross your path for just a moment in time, but in that short moment they leave an imprint on your heart.


It was NEW YEARS EVE and I was going to celebrate with a friend at her home in one of my favourite places – Cronulla Beach. As I waited at the bus stop I thought about the year to come. Each year I knew the right calender would find me. And it did ! Tranquility was just what I needed in 2017. Such a lovely word tranquility...  it sounds so calming you can almost float on the energy it conveys of peace, quiteness, stillness…  After an emotionally  turblant year I was happy to see the back of 2016… yes tranquility felt good ~ it is my publishing name after all.

The insight I had gained of self was all the memory I wished to remember of 2016. Checking  to see if the bus was coming over the hill  I noticed an elderly lady making her way to the bus stop. Her cane followed the footpath closely, guiding her to her destination. We exchanged greeting as the lady settled beside me. Behind her sunglasses I noticed her left eye remained closed ~ damaged I wondered ? Once settled she asked me where I was heading. We chatted for a while and then she said “You need to show your true colours in  2017…” A little surprised I thanked her for her message. “Do you follow astrology?” I asked her. “No” she replied gently in a matter of fact way ” I just know things, I always have! I worked as a councilor and hynothripst for many years. I love being out and travel to the Blue Mountains regulary to spend time at a centre for young people with disabilities. We chatted until the bus arrived. ” I am not just a blind old lady ! “she told me as we parted. “My name is Jill. Remember to show your true colours .. ! ”

Peacock magic I knew was about showing you true self to the world. For years a peacock had visited my daughters horse paddock. One time when Mr Peacock ( as we named him) came to visit he had almost finished molting.  To my delight his last two beautiful  feathers dropped close to me before he walked away. It’s not always easy to show your true self especailly when you are processing deep pain. What I did manage to do in 2016 was say yes to a few invitations when I was still feeling emotinally depleted. That yes has carried me forward on a positive note into the New Year. Click on link to see more about the symbolic meaning of peacock   Symbol of peacock

peacockimg_3936My yes in 2016 enabled me to be able to share with you that I am a contributing author to #365LiftsShifts available on 22nd Feb 2017. This beautiful book shares moments that changed lives in a postive and powerful way.

May 2017 be filled with joy and may the year unfold with ease and grace.


Blessings Pauline

To read more books including #FREE ebook  go to Triumph of Joy Bookstore


You know change is on the horizon yet you haven’t connected with the energy of new beginnings. Is knowing enough to help you transition emotionally?   cropped-cropped-img_8293.jpg

“It’s Time” … flashed a neon sign in my mind! Yes I knew it was time, had known for years; yet in the knowing lay an emptiness. Knowing was not enough. Even when the knowing sang in every cell of my being, pulsating through my essence like a shooting star in the cosmos – knowing was not enough to facilitate change for me.

While my mind remained neutral to the tantalising promise of change, of new beginnings, my spirit hovered between two worlds. Was I ready to leave my comfortable, much loved city home? A home that overflowed with more abundance than I could have imagined. IMG_2197



In so many respects I was prepared to embrace the new- the knowing understood the truth of my readiness. Had I not experienced much change in my life already, moved homes and cities more often than most ? Importantly did I not now honour and appreciate myself for who I was, leaving myself free to enjoy life’s bounty ? Yes was the answer to both

Still I was torn. The adventurer in me longed to fill my life with endless experiences and embrace the unknown. Yet I knew in my heart I had not felt the tingle of change. Do you know that feeling? A tingeling, a shift in conciousness, an anticipation that runs through the body. That is what I was waiting to experience. Until then I cannot embrace fully the idea of new beginnings that would trigger a life away from the City I love to live in a Regional Ocean City. The ocean has been calling me and I had been on the verge of moving to a place I love when my life situation changed. It became clear to me I was now called in the opposite direction.

 If Life had taught me anything it was to trust my instincts above all else.Patiently I wait until the knowing and the feeling embrace each in the dance of change. Then I will know its time ! My cells will rejoice in the dance of change.

Until that time I focus on gratitude for each day and live fully in the present moment.

Blessing Pauline

To download a FREE copy of Nature’s Wisdom  click on link

Triumph of joy


 Are you aware of the power your tears hold to heal and cleanse your Heart and Soul?


Do you honour your tears ? When I wrote my autobiography I spoke of razor blade tears, tears cried in pain and sadness. Now mostly my tears are those of joy at the beauty and wonder of life. Have you thought about the importance of tears ? Do you find  tears come easily or do your hold onto your tears? Last week I came across this lovely Bird of Paradise Flower with what appeared to be a tear running down a stained face. Never had I seen such a wonder. As I  have always associated the bird of paradise flower with the seahorse I stopped to contemplate this tender sight and wondered about its significance to me. I have always associated the bird of paradise with the seahorse  because it was so upright and proud like the tiny seahorse. In mythology the seahorse is associated with  Patience, Protection, High-Perception and Contentment.

Never in nature had I seen such a tear as the one on this Bird of Paradise Flower. When I thought about the significance of tears in our lives, I was reminded that just before my mother parted this earth a single silver tear rolled down her pale cheek. As I held my mother’s hand I was aware how beautiful she looked and was unaware that she had no pulse until I saw that beautiful tear on her check ~ in that moment I knew. My mothers passing was such a gift. Having only experienced death only as a traumatic and  heart-wrenching experience, my mother’s dignified death showed my self and my family the unspoken beauty in dying.

Death came to the one I love; lifting her on high 

To a rainbow bridge of light, beyond all fear.

Death came to the one I love; in a tender loving way 

Guiding her amongst the stars where Angels love to play.

Triumph of Joy

There was a time I was afraid of my tears because I felt my endless tears would empty me of life,  yet I came to understand that our tears cleanse our soul. I love sharing this beautiful Native American saying…

                              “The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears” ..images ~Rainbow

How often do we see tears as a weakness? One of the happiest memories I have of my father was in Singapore. My mother worked for the red cross and we were attending a concert put on by special needs children. As I sat next to my father he was so touched by the beauty of the children, tears were streaming down his face. My father was not ashamed of his tears and I loved him even more for that.


   ~ RUMI 

The Health Benefit of Tears 





Blessing to you Pauline


 Do you honour yourself and your gifts ?


For many of us, self judgement blocks us from our true essence. Often we compare ourselves to others and then feel we fall short. Finding the true reason for self judgement enables us to free ourselves from often long established patterns. It was during my healing journey I finally faced up to feeling less than…  Growing up with a father who had a brilliant memory left me feeling I wasn’t too bright. At school rote learning was valued highly and a creative mind less so. With a very creative mind and a strong sense of adventure I thrived on an outdoor life.


It was not until I focused on “healing “after years of supporting my mentally ill husband that I found the courage to look in the mirror . As a carer I had lost contact with who I was, my mirror reflected that emptiness. To heal I focused on letting go of self judgement as I leant to honour myself. During this time I read Socrates words “ Wisest is he who know he knows not. ” The impact of those words was immediate as I realised I didn’t need to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the world ! Once the door was open to discover my gifts I never looked back. It was time to honour my creative mind. My lessons  I recognised came through  personal experience, storytelling and feelings. Once I acknowledged my personal truth I embraced my creative mind that travels like the speed of light at times ! Accepting  and honouring my strengths freed me to soar like Eagle  above the self limitation I had imposed on myself.

May you soar like  Eagle  Blessing Pauline











Books ~  Love’s Reflection  $ 2.99  plus Free eBook Nature’s Wisdom

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Recent Review of Triumph of Joy ~  S. Myers on November 8, 2016
This memoir is written from the depths of anguish as the author struggles to reclaim her passion for life and her sense of self after personal tragedy. The journey is victorious and joy ultimately prevails; we are right there with Pauline Robinson every step of the way. She is a lovely writer, with a keen talent for describing the spiritual gifts that nature brings to those that grieve. Anyone familiar with the wreckage that PTSD inflicts on those who have served and their families, will want to read this and share it. “Triumph of Joy” provides a path through a terrible storm.
Coming soon… the 3rd book in the #No 1 Best Seller 365 Series   365 Life Shifts  


      What if the veil between self belief and self doubt was as fine as gossamer?


As we struggle with self doubt , we often feel weighted down and unmotivated. In our heart we know that we have so much to give of our true self, yet things may not have unfolded in life the way we had hoped.  Self doubt then blocks us from our own light.  What if the veil between self doubt and self belief is as fine as a ray of light? That it could evaporate suddenly leaving us feeling uplifted again?  Just like clouds hide the sun’s brilliant rays, self belief is shining brightly behind our cloud of self doubt. We are that beautiful light waiting to shine when we remain open to life experiences, even at the darkest moments. It is often in those dark moments when we are feeling depleted, when we have almost give up on following our hearts longing, that magic can happen.Remaining opening to all that life offers, saying yes to opportunities even when in doubt can enable us to shine as brightly as the living promise of who we are.

Like many people this year I have experienced an emotional tsunami. Feeling drained and spent I was contacted to be interviewed by Sheri Myers from The Glitch Movie.  Fortunately I said Yes even though my self belief was diminished I wished to remain open to life’s magic. Emotional exhaustion can leave us deleted, yet behind that exhaustion lies the living promise that pulses strongly in all hearts. To my delight I was guided beautifully by Sheri in our interview as her belief in me radiated warmth and joy. Stepping out of our own way and seeing ourselves through the eyes of another is like the sun returning after a bleak winter.

Untitled As I shared my story with Sheri I realised that we all love to hear about people who have overcome pain and trauma. Once again I came to believe  my life experiences had the power to plant a seed of hope in the heart of another.  To buy a copy of Triumph of Joy  

Blessing Pauline

Earth Angels

Do you believe in Earth Angels?


After years of pain and trauma, I heard my soul whisper ~ You need to write your story! Upset at the prospect of facing my pain I ignored the whispering of my soul. The whispers were not stilled however and continued to invite me …write your story. Distressed at the thought of sharing my pain with the world I again ignored the message, but how do you hide from your own soul?

Still the message swept across my heart like a gentle breeze entreating me to listen, unsettling me as I tried to hide from my past. Reaching deep within the words tapped on the locked door of my past forcing me to ask . Why should I write my story I am not famous or an intellectual ! I am just an ordinary person. It is your very ordinariness that will help others relied the reassuring whisper of my soul.

Unable to find a way to deny the idea of helping others I began to write…

Tentative, nervous fingers danced on the unfamiliar keyboard as I tasted the sweet sensation of writing. Driven by an inner voice to write my story, I was at a loss as to how to begin. Afraid that, just as a thief in the night invades sacred spaces in another’s private world, the written word would seep into my raw wounds, pry open the hidden pain and delve deeply into a soul lost to itself. Like heavy raindrops words appeared, one by one, drop by drop. Each raindrop a fractured tear shattering around me but nobody hears …

Remembering was so painful at times I wanted to give up the attempt to write. One day as I stood on high upon a clifftop overlooking the ocean five pelican fly overheard. Pelicans are one of my favourite birds so I was delighted to see them. As they flew out to sea I enjoyed the grace of their flight. To my surprise and delight one Pelican broke away from the group and flew back.  The beautiful Pelican began to circle above me. Overjoy to see such this glorious creature so close I clapped in joy. The Pelican continued to circle above coming closer and closer each time. So excited was I that I chapped even louder. My clapping caught the attention of onlookers who were enjoying the Pelican too. Still the beautiful bird circled closer. I cried out to him. Thank you Pelican for sharing your beauty with me!  On his final flight he flew so close we locked eyes. As I looked into the eyes of this magnificent bird my body tingled in understanding , the Pelican and I were now one. He had given me the gift of BELIEF.

When I returned home I discovered the spiritual meaning of Pelican ~ Rising above life’s trials ~ Pelican’s message was perfect for me. When I was in distress or filled with self doubt about my writing a Pelican would appear to encourage me to continue.14718600_1143128909074607_6730383568046660150_n

To listen to my interview with The Glitch Movie

There are Earth Angels out there ready to guide you on your journey . ~ Blessing Pauline


Have you been in despair and though you were alone in your pain ?


This week my podcast  went live. Like so many souls in despair I felt alone and at breaking point during a challenging time in my life.  One evening in utter despair I cried out for help. To my delight my prayers were answered. It’s not possible to put into words the feeling of experiencing a divine visit, expect to say it brings  blissful peace and joy to the troubled mind. The message I received was “You are not alone “ The beauty and wonder of those words reconnected me to the Hope that I could find the strength to continue. As things unfolded I did find the strength to endure heartbreak and pain and to return to a place of joy within.

Angels come in all shapes and sizes , it may be soul whispers, the voice of a stranger, a butterfly alighting on you, an unexpected phone call. We are all connected on the web of life. There are are many wonderful books out there to help your interpret a visit from one of nature’s creatures . One very special book  I love helped me.

fullsizerender-4 We are unique beings, my way may not be your way, however I do believe there is guidance for all when we reach out for peace of mind. It may be the roar of the ocean, a beautiful sunset, a support group,  book, a movie or one of your beloved pets that can help you find that inner peace. The important thing is ask for help and remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Blessing to you my friend.



 Can we continue to sow seeds of love when we are feeling depleted within ourselves?



At times in our life we wonder how we can rise above the challenges that face us. We may feel so emotionally depleted it is difficult to recognise the beauty and wonder of life. For myself it comes down to our willingness to change our mindset. If we are not able to sift our focus within ourselves then the outside world contains endless examples of willingness that can  inspire us. 

photo (36) This lone flower demonstrates its willingness to survive within concrete. As I observed this tiny flower on my morning walk ,I thought that it must be a struggle to survive in such harsh conditions. Then I realised that although it was surrounded by concrete its roots were being nurtured because they were firmly within the embrace of Mother Earth. So too we are essentially nurtured by Mother Earth, the sun rises each day to give us light and sets to enable us to rest.



A wonderful example of willingness took place on a train trip. Our train was stopped by a large tree branch across the track. Buses were to replace the train which meant a much longer trip to Sydney. Lots of passengers mumbled and grumbled about the delays. Accepting the changes I walked onto the platform to wait. Before long I noticed a lady with a small group surrounding her. Curious about what was happening I joined the small group and discovered they were watching the lady paint. Later when I chatted to the lady she explained to me that the reason she and her teenage son were on the train was because he had refused to board the plane they had booked for their trip to Brisbane. Her special needs son disliked crowds so the mother thought a train cabin was the best option. The family was returning to Brisbane where the recent bushfires had destroyed their home. As her son was sleeping the mum ( A portrait artist ) decided to make the most of the delay and paint the portrait of two passengers.The elderly woman in the picture loved it so much she bought the painting. As she did so the elderly lady explained she had just returned from overseas where she had her portrait painted in Paris. Sadly she left that portrait on a train. The elderly lady went on to say that she loved the picture painted by the lady at the station so much more than the portrait she had lost.



Not only was I inspired by the willingness of this amazing artist to make the most of the situation, I felt honoured and enriched by the experience. Seeds of love and respect were planted on a railway platform that day as strangers laughed and shared stories. No one noticed the delay rather we all focused on enjoying the moment.

When you plant seeds of love, it’s you that blossoms. ~ Ma Jay Sati Bhagauati




            Do you have a poet or visionary whose words inspires and uplift you ? 



May you recognise in your life the presence, power, and light of your soul.
May you realise that you are never alone,
that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.
May you have respect for you own individuality and difference.
May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique, that
you have a special destiny here,
that behind the facade of your life there is something
beautiful, good, and eternal happening.
May you learn to see yourself with the same delight, pride,
and expectation with which God sees you in every moment.
John O’ Donohue


Healing though words may come about by both writing and reading. Often the words of another can give us insight into our hearts longing, while writing freely can release us from the prison of our mind. Sometimes the words we write ourselves can surprise us and open up a new dialogue within our mind.Seeing our personal truth in words can free us to tread a path we may have  otherwise feared to tread.

Writing  Triumph of Joy  opened my heart and soul to healing in a way I could not have imagined. Writing gave me the courage to face even the most fearful aspects of my past and introduced me to a magical world of infinite possibilities that await an open heart.
